CSULB Projects

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking

Risk Analysis

Total Risk | High Severity | High Probability | Low Fix effort |


Vulnerability Description

Remote Access to this valuable asset can be achieved and with this unauthorized access the attacker can escalate privileges in order to gain root access which can lead to data access and manipulation.

Lab Objective

The project’s objective is for learners to understand the importance of documentation and using skills acquired during the course to solve a challenge. Additionally, there are multiple ways of achieving the same goal when it comes to hacking.

Cracking Files

In this task, you are to crack the password that protects the file CrackMeIfYouCan.rar and document the process of your findings. Note: Documentation is extremely important when it comes to pentesting.
Using Hashcat only took 3 seconds :)
To complete this step do the following on the host OS in this case it's Windows 10 Pro
Extract the zip file with:
unzip CrackMeIfYouCan.zip
Now we have the rar file we can use john to see the hash value with the following:
rar2john CrackMeIfYouCan.rar > Hash.txt
With the above text file now we move it over to Host machine for GPU cracking set it in the Hashcat directory
Open file with notepad++ to remove the CrackMeIfYouCan.rar: from the beginning of line and save
Open Powershell as Admin and run the following:
./hashcat -s 0 -a 0 Hash.txt rockyou.txt
This will perform the dictionary attack and get us the password to the file:
Below is the result of the Hashcat output, we can see the hash is cracked:

Using 7-Zip to extract the files with the cracked password we can get the .rar file contents:

File Investigation

We can see there is a web page with a text file that has multiple lines of hashes that have been extracted:
Since we now have a handful of hashes instead of using local resources we can speed up the process using an online web site like hashes.com to crack all the hashes at once, what a time saver.
Now that we have the login credentials we can host the web page locally by using Apache

We can see that there is more to be uncovered

Vulnerability Scanning
With the netdiscover command we can see the Metasploitable VM’s IP on the network.
Now to enumerate the PC we can start with seeing what ports are open using Nmap
Privilege Escalation
We basically have multiple attack vectors to take. We will be picking Samba for this lab, we can use Metasploit Framework by launching the msfconsole. Using the multi/samba/usermap_script setting the RHOSTS to the IP of the Metasploitable VM we got earlier to and launching the attack gets us a shell. After getting said shell we run the whoami command to see we are root
Now that we are logged in as root let’s check out the /etc/shadow file with:
cat /etc/shadow
From here we can do whatever we want
We can change the password with the command:
passwd root
Install a backdoor for persistence, add users, dump data, etc,.
The Lab asked for the hash of root shown above and thus we have completed the Lab
Recommended Rectification
Recommended remediation to correct these exploits would be to close unnecessary ports and services that are not needed. Highly recommend to patch the system to help remediate these vulnerabilities, and install and configure a Web Application Firewall (WAF) along with an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). Monitoring network traffic to get a baseline for ‘normal’ traffic will also assist in finding irregularities.
For the local host machine implementing strong account passwords especially for the root account can help against tools like metasploit framework exploits. Having an Anti-Virus software installed and host firewall configurations will block traffic and remediate payloads from being executed.
More information can be seen below:
https://geekflare.com/privilege-escalation-attacks/ https://www.hacksplaining.com/owasp https://owasp.org/Top10/A07_2021-Identification_and_Authentication_Failures/

Ethical Hacking Final Project